Saturday, August 13, 2011


Adirondacks - Day 3 - Cascade

Summit of Cascade - 4098'
Another beautiful day dawned, and it was off to Cascade Mountain. Except for me, as my knee buckled on the descent from Giant the day before, forcing me to hobble down the mountain at an excruciatingly slow old lady pace (which was, unfortunately, exactly how I felt.) I took off with a couple other hikers for Baxter Mountain, an easy hike. Baxter looked, felt, and smelt, just like hiking back home, complete with humidity and bugs, so with an attitude of "why bother?" we bagged the hike, and headed for the ice cream shack that we had passed back on the road. It seemed a much more noble pursuit. Katie and Matthew, however, enjoyed Cascade and the summit.

Then it was off to Lake Placid to see the sights. Matthew and I snuck into the Olympic Ice Arena complex and gave ourselves a tour.

Here we are on the ice of the 1980 Rink, where the "Miracle on Ice" occurred. Shortly after this photo was taken, we were kicked off the ice by a skater who yelled at us in German.

Many thanks to Val and the Adventurer's Group: Ben, Jan, Jill, Becky, Nick, Lindsey, Maria, and Becky, for an excellent adventure. And no bear ever disturbed our camp or food, although I think a couple of chipmunks did.

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