Saturday, December 20, 2008
Allegany Fall Breakfast!

Remember that invitation I sent out a couple of months ago about joining together at Allegany State Park for a Autumn breakfast? I am now finally reporting on the gathering! It was a sunny, crisp, fall day, very similar to the family fall gatherings of past.
Alas, you can't smell the aromas of breakfast: cooking pancakes, eggs, and bacon, smearing homemade jams on homemade breads, coffee over on open fire, a table full of food and hungry hikers, the creek in the background.
After breakfast, we drove up to Thunder Rocks and played until a thunderstorm suddenly blew in, then we headed home!
I was the only Shaw in attendance from the original breakfast. I thought of all of you and you were sorely missed!
More photos, by Jennifer, can be seen here.