Sunday, June 22, 2008


59th Chautauqua All-County Spring Festival

How many Shaw Girls went to All-County in the Amp at Chautauqua? I went a bunch of times, first on my flute in the jr. high band, and then with my oboe in the senior band. Matthew and Katie were participants this year in the senior high chorus, and the junior high chorus, repectively. It was a nice, warm, beautiful day for the event. Astute blog readers might be able to spot Katie. This shot is right in the middle of the the grand finale "Battle Hymn of the Republic." The finale still gives me shivers after all these years.

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I'm astute enough to spot Katie... Heck, the last time I saw her, I couldn't believe it was her... Our babes are growing up... I remember singing at All County one year. Thrilling!!! I can still remember aspects of the day - rehearsing, who I ate lunch with... And when I went when my kids were in it... the same goose bumps, ok, even some tears...
Our All-County is a treasure. There's not another one like it.
I think I spotted Katie, too!! I remember when I participated in the 5th or 6th grade....
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