Sunday, November 25, 2007


Cranberry Pie

Carrie asked me for my recipe for Cranberry Pie, so here it is! This was Uncle Nason's recipe. He served it to Brian, Rick, and me on an Autumn day, when we were visiting. The pie is gorgeous with its deep ruby filling, and pleasantly tart with a hint of molasses. Enjoy!

Amish Cranberry Pie

2 cups chopped cranberries
1 Cup white sugar
1/2 C. water
2 Tbls. molasses
2 Tbls. cornstarch

Mix all the ingredients in heavy saucepan and cook until thick. Pour into a pie shell (9") and top with a lattice crust. Bake 10 minutes at 450, then 20 min. more at 350. (Uncle Nason used a regular top crust and shook cinnamon and sugar all over the top.)

Sue's note: we use a whole bag of fresh cranberries, and we don't chop them up.
LinkHere's a link to the crust we used this year. It's a healthy pie crust and actually tastes good.


Thanks for posting the Cranberry Pie recipe. I can't wait to try it!
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