Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Adventures in Trellis Building

The outside of the house is looking pretty good. The beds are as weeded as they'll ever get, and I did major battle with the shrubs and viney alien stuff which believes it's mission is to encase the entire property and choke out all but their own kind. Rick has started the annual scrape-prime-paint dance that he does so well every summer. The inside of the house...well, let's not talk about that.

I picked up this wonderful book about building a trellis a couple of years ago and armed with a good pair of lopping shears and pruning clippers, I have built a couple of arbors. I've been using clippings for the pin oak tree that is taking over the back yard (it look so tiny when we planted it 15 years ago...) and from the weeping willows, that constantly weep their branches all over the place, making a mess. The trellis against the house actually makes the alien vine look pretty good.
I built a bigger trellis on Saturday and decided to install it in the vegetable garden. Not that we have a vegetable garden. Fortuneately, Brian of the Strong Back, decided he was up to the challenge. Many blisters, sore muscles, and too many rocks to count later, we have our garden. Note the shovel Brian is holding. It was hand made by Brian's great grandfather Max. It's probably 90+ years old.

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I don't see any pictures. I want to see the trellises (trelli?)and the old shovel. Haven't seen Brian in a while, either.
I cleaned kitchen cupboards today. Since they are normally closed they look exactly the same clean as they did dirty. Closed.
Bring on the pictures!
I cleaned kitchen cupboards today. Since they are normally closed they look exactly the same clean as they did dirty. Closed.
Bring on the pictures!
I wrote up this post yesterday, posted it and then realized that I posted it to the wrong blog. It ended up in the Swallowtail Shawl blog. The pictures show up on my computer. I'll figure this out.
How come your trellis pictures don't show up on your blog?
Guess i'll have to drive out there to see them.
Perhaps I'll bring Bob. Maybe he'll get the motivation to paint our house if he watches Rick paint yours?
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Guess i'll have to drive out there to see them.
Perhaps I'll bring Bob. Maybe he'll get the motivation to paint our house if he watches Rick paint yours?
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