Seemed odd this year having only one child involved in the All-County Festival. Matthew was at the Boy Scout camp organizing a Conclave for 400 OA Scouts. (With a Highlands theme, most of the scouts were running around with tablecloths wrapped around themselves, but not Matthew. He wore his kilt, which was what he wanted for Christmas.) Anyway, back to the festival. A couple of weeks ago, Katie auditioned for a scholarship from the County Music Teachers Association and won a

piano scholarship for summer study! At the All-County, Katie was in the Junior High choir and was called on stage and honored with the other scholarship winners. (One of my oboe students also won a scholarship, so I doubly tickled.) It was a wonderful festival, and as always, the finale gave rise to goosebumps, teary eyes and a spontaneous ovation. It has been such a trill for me to have my own children participate in the same festival that I participated in 30 years ago.
Here's Katie, center hitting the high Bb in the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" Finale.
Labels: Katie, music
# posted by Susan @ 7:59 PM