Monday, February 05, 2007
Graduation, Finally!
On December 10th, I recieved my Masters of Education degree from Gannon University.

Sue Recieves Her Diploma!
Two highpoints were: #1 - the Bishop asking all the graduates to stand during baccalureate to bless "these fine young men and women about to enbark on their adult professional lives" and #2 - the president of the universit
y, when looking over our family, congratulating Katie on her achievements!
Of course the top highpoint was putting on the masters' hood and chanting to myself "I'm doneI'm doneI'm doneI'm doneI'm done..."
Sue & University President

Sue Recieves Her Diploma!
Two highpoints were: #1 - the Bishop asking all the graduates to stand during baccalureate to bless "these fine young men and women about to enbark on their adult professional lives" and #2 - the president of the universit

Of course the top highpoint was putting on the masters' hood and chanting to myself "I'm doneI'm doneI'm doneI'm doneI'm done..."
Sue & University President