Friday, August 18, 2006
Introducing Penny
Here's our new dog, Penny. K has wanted a dog forever, and a dog was all she wanted for her birthday, so after much searching, we found Penny at our local shelter. She was a stray, but seems content to stray no more. She seems to be a Fox Terrier mix. She saw a deer the other day in the neighbor's corn and started pointing. If you hold her ears straight up she looks like a dingo. She is well behaved, trained, and loves to play fetch.
We all like her, which is saying a lot, because except for K, the rest of us are cat lovers. Her one drawback is she goes ballistic whenever the Amish come down the road. Since the Amish often pass by at 4AM on their way to the lake to go fishing, this can be a problem. But, we are secure in the knowledge that if we are ever invaded by some renegade Amish, Penny will keep us safe.
Labels: dog