Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Brian's Photos

Here's a few of the photos's that Brian put into our local fair. All his work was in black and white, and he did his own developing. He won an award for one of his photos in a student competition in Buffalo. At our fair it got squat. You never know how the judging will go... But that's what makes it fun. These pictures are photos that I took of his photos (make sense?) and then scanned, so they are a bit grainy. Oh, well...

"Cast Shadow of an Apple"

This next one was taken on our vacation this spring to South Carolina.

"Brookgreen Gardens"

This one is of a marble that we have on our shelve in the den. It's all the same picture. When he developed it, he repeated the image and changed the focus.


This is the fence in our side yard.

"Fence in Side Yard"

This photo is from back at the creek. He entered this in the 'reflections' category.

"Reflections of Goose Creek"

I've got pictures of Katie's art work that she entered into the fair, but I'll save that for another time. Also in the works is a photo essay entitled "The Saga of Brian's Hair."

I'm just using dial-up for these postings. While the photos were uploading, I folded a couple loads of laundry.


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