Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Off to School!
Now that Brian is in his senior year, I didn't even take pictures of him taking off to college. Stupid, lazy, and I regret it. However, I did manage to snap one of Matthew, and we have Katie on the porch (all by herself, for the first time) on the first day of school and a picture of the teacher going off to school, too.
I was sick for almost half of August. Spent 2 weeks on the couch sleeping and watching Law and Order. That's how I would describe my summer: the Law and Order Season. Lyme's disease? Jamestown canyon disease? Who knows. I'm too damn tired to even take a picture of my oldest son going off to college. Notice how I'm holding my arm. It hurts. I gear myself up for the first day of school.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Back to the Blog
Well loyal readers, I have been absent from the blog scene for way too long. I wandered over to the dark side, the FaceBook side, and have spent too much time reading about "friends" and their high scores in PuddleJumping, and whatever, and have created a virtual life with "friends" I don't give a damn about.
I have some issues happening that I would like to explore through this blog. Not for the whole world to read, (although the world can navigate here if they would like), but for those who want to read, want to comment, want to explore.
Here's a picture of Katie, Mother, and Daddy, on Katie's 16th Luau Birthday Party back in July. What a wonderful day! Such a blessing to have my parents here for both Matthew's graduation party, and Katie's birthday. And check out Hannah! She came in full regalia! Such fun!
I have some issues happening that I would like to explore through this blog. Not for the whole world to read, (although the world can navigate here if they would like), but for those who want to read, want to comment, want to explore.
Here's a picture of Katie, Mother, and Daddy, on Katie's 16th Luau Birthday Party back in July. What a wonderful day! Such a blessing to have my parents here for both Matthew's graduation party, and Katie's birthday. And check out Hannah! She came in full regalia! Such fun!
Labels: birthday, food, Hannah, Katie, party