Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Shaw Girl Happenings: Update on the Pops

Shaw Girl Happenings: Update on the Pops

Here's an link to web MD if you want to read up on Daddy's enemy: multiple myeloma.  Not good news.Click me.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Update on the Pops

So, Dad is leaving the hospital today and going into short term care at the Waterford, a nice retirement facility that takes one from individual housing to nursing home on the same property.  We have one here in Helena. 

Mother feels overwhelmed as you can imagine if your husband of 60+ years was ill.  Keep her in your prayers.

Diagnosis is multiple melonoma.  Carrie and I spoke for a while today.  She does not have details yet, but he is only schedule for SHORT TERM rehab, so that is hopeful.  It is wait and see for now.

I stressed to both Carrie and Molly to KEEP US UP TO DATE.  No one has to jump on a plane yet.  Stay tuned. 

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