Monday, January 21, 2008


Winter Fun

Good morning Sisters,
There have been no updates lately. What's going on?
OK, so I have the day off (MLK), woke early to take advantage of our fresh new snow and started getting dressed to go skiing. Unfortunately, I looked at the thermometer: -15 in town and -30 at the ski hill. Bummer!! It's beautiful, clear and we have lots of fresh fluffy powder and here I sit. At least I got some good runs in yesterday.

Two weeks ago we did not have any snow. My friend and I ran a local race. Here are some photos of it, as well as our support vehicle: Mike on his new Ural. He puts the sidecar up on purpose to get used to it in case it ever happens when driving.

On a sad note, my good friend died recently. She was diagnosed with cancer on Nov. 3 and died on Jan. 10. Please don't ignore your health!!

See you all soon.
Love, Rebecca

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